Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Plan of Inaction

Today was a great day back from the holiday weekend (does it still count as a holiday if you work and/or sleep for most of it?)! I got up at 9 am, went for a jog, did some core exercises ... and by 9 a.m. I mean 10:45-11:30 a.m. (can't really remember what time I acutally got out of bed), did 15 minutes of yoga (and by 15 minutes I yoga I really mean 2-5 minutes of me attempting to remember the easiest poses such as sleeping worm ... that's a pose, right?), made coffee, and ate what turned out to be two servings of pop tarts.*

My holiday weekend really wasn't full of me stuffing my face with carbs and fat and empty calories. Primarily because I didn't have any food in my house besides frozen chicken and soy milk. I did go grocery shopping. I had to because I was out of gin. So my weekend consisted of gin, working, and watching Arrested Development. If laughing counts as exercise (which it does), well then I laughed the equivalent of a marathon with Arrested Development. That probably explains why I got ten hours of sleep last night. Not sure why my legs ache though...

A wise but drunk friend once said to me "I stay in shape from running ... and sex." With that, I replied "Yeah ... running probably works better with my schedule." I have confidence that someday I will find my tennis shoes (I think they are in my closet, but one can't be too sure) and set a work-out routine. But for now, laughing marathons are gonna have to suffice.

*1 pop tart = 1 serving.
1 package of pop tarts = two servings
Pop Tart packages = FAIL

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